Repair Service
Ordering repair in the web store is now required
If you cannot place an order on the web site please Click Here
- Easy as buying anything on-line
- Generates a packing slip for you
- Imports all your information directly to our shipping software
(eliminates typos and hard to read text) - Allows you to select optional services with accurate pricing
- $$ You can pay now or later after the repair is completed
You can use the SEARCH bar at the top of the page to search for a partial model number
Example: If your model is KX-TGA450b try searching for just 450 or TGA45
A special "Repair Service" item allows you to quickly get through a complicated repair order by simply writing in the description what you want to send in.
Full details and instructions
1) Make sure repair service is available for your equipment
- Search for the model number
- Email any questions
2) Add your models and options to the shopping cart OR use this page's generic "Repair Service" item and provide a detailed description
- For simple orders it is best to find the specific item and add it to the cart
- For more complex orders involving different items and options you can use this single "Repair Service" item and include a description of the equipment you are sending along with optional services you may want such as new batteries, extra refurbishing, etc..
3) (Optional) You can adjust the "amount" and weight in the options to the left to better reflect what you believe the total repair price and package weight will be
This is more important if you want to pay for repair now and have received a quote over email. However it is also another way to communicate what your expectations are and to have a more accurate work order.
For multiple items you can combine them all, put in the price and weight for all and add 1 to the cart OR enter the average price and weight per item and add change the QTY to reflect the number of items.
4) Proceed through checkout to obtain your order number
It is usually* best to select "Pay After Repair" and not enter any payment information at this time.
An exception might be if you know the order doesn't require extra services and you believe there could be delays in receiving and responding to payment requests emails after the order is done. Pre-payment can speed up the return of orders for some customers but it can also cause more hassle if the order needs additional services such as replacing cracked LCD screens or broken antennas.
5) Mail in your items for repair. You will be provided the address / instructions after checkout and in an email (You can also click here)
Repair service turnaround depends greatly on what you send in, when you send it in, what is wrong with it, etc..
Most small repair orders are taking about a month to complete. Busiest time of year is usually November through February and there is extremely limited repair service in July.
Expedited and Rush repair available
NOTE: These options can ONLY be added to the order when placed. Regular repair orders will not be changed to rush or expedited after they arrive.
Expedite service for $10 (max 8 items)
This fee simply lets me know you need the order sooner than later. There are no completion guarantees but this will definitely speed up repair. It may cut repair time from 2 months to 1 month or from 3 weeks to 1 week. it depends what you send in, when you send it and how many other orders arrive around the same time. Expedited will have more of an effect on small orders. When your order is logged in it receives a bold colored highlight in my software and I will pay special attention to it and provide more feedback about status changes, problems or issues.
RUSH repair service
Rush service is only available by request over email with turnaround as quick as 2-3 days plus shipping time. Provide as much detail as possible about what you need repaired, the problems they have, the condition of the equipment, any critical time requirements, etc.. I will reply with an acceptance, RUSH fee and estimated completion (after arrival). A special RMA# is provided for the order that expires in 48 hours.
If you then decide y rush service, you can then place the repair order with the RMA# issued. Your order details will be pre-printed and added to the RUSH clipboard. When orders arrive they will be matched with the existing order and opened immediately.
Estimated Rush fees are $10-$20 per item and are typically on the higher end in the late fall and early winter when everyone wants rush service. However, if good problem descriptions are provided in your rush request this can make a significant difference in the estimate. For example if you describe a common problem that I know will not be a difficult repair then the rush fee will be lower along with the estimated turnaround time.
To request RUSH service please use this email:
Status Requests
Please... If you cannot take the time to read and follow these instructions then I will not take the time to respond to your request
- Status requests must be emailed to this address: and include your order number
- Email is sent when your package is opened and logged in IF your order is placed on-line and you received an order number
- A payment request email is sent when your order is completed
- A tracking number is emailed when the order ships
- Status requests over the phone will be unconditionally ignored
- Status requests over email for regular repair orders may be responded to with a short and very rough estimate such as "maybe a few (days/weeks/a month) more"
- Do not ask if your order has arrived without first searching your email, spam and trash folder for "p1repair repair order status"
Under normal circumstances with regular repair orders I cannot respond to status requests. Not only is it time consuming and distracting to look for a specific order and respond with any detail but typically I don't know how long it will take to complete an order until it's already done. That also goes for every other order in front of your order, in the line. When a repair order arrives an email is sent letting you know the order has been received. After that the status does not usually change until the order is completed. Most of the turnaround time is just waiting and once an order is started it is often completed within a few hours or a day (depends on the size and issue). I don't know how much time I will have to dedicate to repair in a given week, how long each order before yours will take (if your order will be easy or difficult) until after it's been worked on. At best I may be able to offer a basic "it should be soon" or "I'm really busy and have a lot of orders older than yours to get to"
Repair Service Order Creation - No payment collected
THIS CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE A PAYMENTNO payment information is collected at checkout. If you are try..